A downloadable paper puzzle

A paper puzzle hybrid of star battle and galaxies, also known as "two not touch" and "tentaisho". Apparently, this is the first time a hybrid of this size (12x12) and difficulty (two stars) was made, without extra rules.

It is also part of Pedro PSI's geometric star battles collection at pedropsi.github.io/star-battle. If you wish, you can leave a comment at Pedro PSI's Guestbook or at the thinky discord.

The puzzle comes in two versions:  a large thematic image plus a minimalist print-friendly black and white version,  for a true pen and paper experience, which can be downloaded as a pdf below.

Note to solvers: "no extra rules" means that the stars and black holes do not constrain each other in any way, and may even overlap. 


galactic-star-battle-by-pedro-psi-bw.pdf 186 kB